1. Celep, O., Altinkaya, P., Yazici, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2019. Characterization of a Gold and Silver Bearing Refractory Flotation Tailings by Diagnostic Leaching, 1st International Mineral Processing Conference (IMPC)-Eurosia, 31 October-2 November, Antalya, 533-538.

  2. Yilmaz, E., Ahlatci, F., Yazıcı, E.Y., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2019. Copper Removal from Cyanide Leach Solutions by Precipitation Using Trimercapto-s-Triazine (TMT), 1st International Mineral Processing Conference (IMPC)-Eurosia, 31 October-2 November, Antalya, 544-552.

  3. Celep, O., Yazici, E.Y., Kuzu, M., Deveci, H., 2019. Effect of Ultra-Fine Grinding on Extraction of Gold and Silver from a Refractory Flotation Tailings by Cyanide Leaching, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey (IMCET), Eds: H. Benzer, N. Aydoğan, M. Karadeniz, O. Altun, H. Dündar, M. Gülsün Kılıç, E. Kundak, E. Yılmazkaya, P Kertmez, April 16-19, Antalya, 826-833.

  4. Deveci, H., Yazıcı, E.Y., Akcil, A., Erust, C., Celep, O., 2018. Physical Separation and Hydrometallurgical Processes for Treatment of WEEE, XXIX. International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC), Paper no: 908, 17-21 September, Moskow

  5. Ahlatcı, F., Yazıcı, E.Y., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2018. Thiosulphate Leaching of Gold/Silver from a Copper-Bearing Pyritic Gold Concentrate, XXIX. International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC), Paper no: 185, 17-21 September, Moskow

  6. Celep, O., Altinkaya, P., Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2018. Nitric Acid Leaching for Pre-Treatment of a Copper Bearing Auroferrous Pyritic Concentrate, XXIX. International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC), Paper no: 184, 17-21 September, Moskow

  7. Yılmaz, E., Ahlatcı, F., Yazıcı, E.Y., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2017, Recovery of Cyanide from Effluents using Carbon Dioxide, International Symposium on Mining and Environment (ISME) (Eds:T.Güler, M.Erdemoğlu, E.Polat), 27-29 September, Bodrum, 843-854.

  8. Ahlatcı, F., Yılmaz, E., Yazıcı, E.Y., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2017, Adsorption of Heavy Metals from Waste Cyanide Solutions with Anionic Resins (Atık Siyanür Çözeltilerinden Anyonik Reçineler ile Ağır Metallerin Adsorpsiyonu), International Symposium on Mining and Environment (ISME) (Eds:T.Güler, M.Erdemoğlu, E.Polat), 27-29 September, Bodrum, 533-541 (in Turkish). 

  9. Yılmaz, E., Ahlatcı, F., Yazıcı, E.Y., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2017, Passivation of Pyritic Tailings and Mitigation of its Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Potential (Piritik Atıkların Pasifleştirilmesi ve Asit Maden Drenajı (AMD) Potansiyelinin Azaltılması), International Symposium on Mining and Environment (ISME) (Eds:T.Güler, M.Erdemoğlu, E.Polat), 27-29 September, Bodrum, 553-561 (in Turkish). 

  10. Yılmaz, E., Ahlatcı, F., Yazıcı, E.Y., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2017, SART Process for Cyanide Recovery (SART Prosesi ile Siyanür Geri Kazanımı ), International Symposium on Mining and Environment (ISME) (Eds:T.Güler, M.Erdemoğlu, E.Polat), 27-29 September, Bodrum, 649-662 (in Turkish). 

  11. Ahlatcı, F., Yılmaz, E., Yazıcı, E.Y., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2017, Environmental Characterisation of Mineral Processing Tailings (Cevher Zenginleştirme Atıklarının Çevresel Karakterizasyonu), International Symposium on Mining and Environment (ISME) (Eds:T.Güler, M.Erdemoğlu, E.Polat), 27-29 September, Bodrum, 957-967 (in Turkish).

  12. Yazici, E.Y., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2017. A Preliminary Study on Nitric Acid Pre-treatment of Refractory Gold/silver Ores, Proceedings of the 25th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey (IMCET), Eds: İ. Bayraktar, M. Karadeniz, M. Gülsün Kılınç, Ö. Önel, E. Torun Bilgiç, M. Özyurt, April 11-14, Antalya, 463-468.

  13. Deveci, H., 2017. Evaluation of Mixing Efficiency of Turbine Impellers in Stirred Tank Reactors, Proceedings of the 25th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey (IMCET), Eds: İ. Bayraktar, M. Karadeniz, M. Gülsün Kılınç, Ö. Önel, E. Torun Bilgiç, M. Özyurt, April 11-14, Antalya, 607-613.

  14. Yiğit, Y., Kuzu, M., Yazici, E.Y., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2017. Leaching of Metals from Flotation Tailings of a Copper Smelter Slag in Acidic Solutions, Proceedings of the 25th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey (IMCET), Eds: İ. Bayraktar, M. Karadeniz, M. Gülsün Kılınç, Ö. Önel, E. Torun Bilgiç, M. Özyurt, April 11-14, Antalya, 614-622.

  15. Bas, A.D., Yazici, E.Y., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2017. Effect of High Concentration of Ammonia in Cyanide Leaching of a Copper-Gold Ore, Proceedings of the 25th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey (IMCET), Eds: İ. Bayraktar, M. Karadeniz, M. Gülsün Kılınç, Ö. Önel, E. Torun Bilgiç, M. Özyurt, April 11-14, Antalya, 623-629.

  16. Ahlatci, F., Yazici, E.Y., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2016. An Alternative Method to Cyanidation: Thiosulphate Leaching - Fundamentals and Applications, International Black Sea Mining and Tunnelling Symposium, Eds.: K . Aydıner, S. Yaşar, Ö. Yaşar, 2-4 November, KTU, Trabzon, Turkey, 441-446 (in Turkish).  

  17. Yilmaz, E., Ahlatci, F., Kuzu, M., Yazici, E.Y., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2016. Removal of Zinc from Cyanide Leach Solutions, International Black Sea Mining and Tunnelling Symposium, Eds.: K. Aydıner, S. Yaşar, Ö. Yaşar, 2-4 November, KTU, Trabzon, Turkey, 447-454 (in Turkish).

  18. Yazici, E.Y., Deveci, H., Bas, A. D., 2016. Precipitation of Silver from Copper Sulphate Solutions, International Black Sea Mining and Tunnelling Symposium, 2-4 November, Eds.: K. Aydıner, S. Yaşar, Ö. Yaşar, KTU, Trabzon, Turkey, 433-440.

  19. Yazici, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2016. Recovery of Copper Sulphate from Sulphuric Acid Leach Solutions via Solvent Displacement Crystallisation using Acetone, International Black Sea Mining and Tunnelling Symposium, Eds.: K. Aydıner, S. Yaşar, Ö. Yaşar, 2-4 November, KTU, Trabzon, Turkey, 455-460.

  20. Koç, E., Ahlatcı, F., Kuzu, M., Yazici, E.Y., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2016. Recovery of silver from cyanide leach solutions of a pyritic gold concentrate by sodium sulphide precipitation, Proceedings of XV. International Mineral Processing Symposium and Exhibition (IMPS) (Eds: M.S.Çelik, G.Bulut, F.Karakaş, O.Güven, H.Baştürkçü, Z.Tarsus),19-21 Oct., İstanbul, Turkey, 823-834.

  21. Ahlatcı, F., Koç, E., Yazici, E.Y., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2016. Sulphide precipitation of gold and silver from thiosulphate leach solutions, Proceedings of XV. International Mineral Processing Symposium and Exhibition (IMPS) (Eds: M.S.Çelik, G.Bulut, F.Karakaş, O.Güven, H.Baştürkçü, Z.Tarsus),19-21 Oct., İstanbul, Turkey, pp. 750-760.

  22. Celep, O., Altınkaya, P., Yazici, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2016. Effect of ultrafine-grinding on cyanide leaching of copper bearing pyritic gold concentrate, Proceedings of XV. International Mineral Processing Symposium and Exhibition (IMPS) (Eds: M.S.Çelik, G.Bulut, F.Karakaş, O.Güven, H.Baştürkçü, Z.Tarsus),19-21 Oct., İstanbul, Turkey, 202-216.

  23. Celep, O., Yazici, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2016. Recovery of Silver and Barite from The Plant Tailings of A Refractory Silver Ore by Knelson Concentrator, Proceedings of XV. International Mineral Processing Symposium and Exhibition (IMPS) (Eds: M.S.Çelik, G.Bulut, F.Karakaş, O.Güven, H.Baştürkçü, Z.Tarsus),19-21 Oct., İstanbul, Turkey, 1255-1269.

  24. Yaylalı, B., Yazici, E.Y., Celep, O, Deveci, H., 2016. Extraction of cobalt from a flotation tailings in different mineral acids under oxidative conditions, Proceedings of XV. International Mineral Processing Symposium and Exhibition (IMPS) (Eds: M.S.Çelik, G.Bulut, F.Karakaş, O.Güven, H.Baştürkçü, Z.Tarsus),19-21 Oct., İstanbul, Turkey, 726-736

  25. Yazici, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2016. Extraction of metals from waste printed circuit boards (WPCB) in sulphate and chloride solutions, Proceedings of XV. International Mineral Processing Symposium and Exhibition (IMPS) (Eds: M.S.Çelik, G.Bulut, F.Karakaş, O.Güven, H.Baştürkçü, Z.Tarsus),19-21 Oct., İstanbul, Turkey,1231-1245.

  26. Yazici, E.Y., Altınkaya, P., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2016. Recovery of cobalt from sulphate solutions by precipitation via persulphate oxidation, Proceedings of XV. International Mineral Processing Symposium and Exhibition (IMPS) (Eds: M.S.Çelik, G.Bulut, F.Karakaş, O.Güven, H.Baştürkçü, Z.Tarsus),19-21 Oct., İstanbul, Turkey, 774-782.

  27. Celep, O., Altınkaya, P., Yazici, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2016. Extraction of base and precious metals from scrap segments used in marble cutting, Proceedings of XV. International Mineral Processing Symposium and Exhibition (IMPS) (Eds: M.S.Çelik, G.Bulut, F.Karakaş, O.Güven, H.Baştürkçü, Z.Tarsus),19-21 Oct., İstanbul, Turkey, 880-892.

  28. Yazici, E.Y., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2016. Urban Mining – Recovery of Metals from WEEE, International Congress on Natural and Engineering Sciences (ICNES), 1-5 September, Skopje, Macedonia.

  29. Yazici, E.Y., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2015. An Overview of Treatment of Copper-gold Ores, International Congress on Natural and Engineering Sciences (ICNES), 09-13 September, 2015, Bosna Hersek-Saraybosna, Abstract Book, p.46.

  30. Celep, O., Yazici, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2015. A Review of Ultra-Fine Grinding by Stirred Mills on Refractory Gold/Silver Ores, International Congress on Natural and Engineering Sciences, 09-13 September, 2015, Bosna Hersek-Saraybosna, Abstract Book, p.51.

  31. Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., Yazıcı, R., Akcil, A. U., 2015. Base and Precious Metal Losses in Magnetic Separation of Waste Printed Circuit Boards (WPCB), Proceedings of the 8th European Metallurgical Conference (EMC), Vol.2, 14-17 June, Düsseldorf, 649-662.

  32. Yazıcı, E.Y., Ahlatçı, F., Koç, E., Celep, O, Deveci, H., 2015. Pre-treatment of a Copper-rich Gold Ore for Elimination of Copper Interference, Proceedings of the 8th European Metallurgical Conference (EMC), Vol.2, 14-17 June, Düsseldorf, 601-613.

  33. Celep, O, Altınkaya, P., Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2015. Characterization of Refractoriness of An Arsenical Silver Ore, Proceedings of the 8th European Metallurgical Conference (EMC), Vol.2, 14-17 June, Düsseldorf, 565-575.

  34. Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2015. Atık Baskılı Devre Kartlarının Ekonomik Potansiyeli ve Çevresel Karakterizasyonu (Potential and Environmental Characterisation of Waste of Printed Circuit Boards), Proceedings of the 24th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey (IMCET), Eds: M.G. Kılıç, Ö. Önel, H. Başarır, M. Karadeniz, E.T. Bilgiç, April 14-17, Antalya, 941-951 (in Turkish).

  35. Celep, O., Altınkaya, P., Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2015. Recovery of Silver From an Arsenical Silver Ore by Knelson Concentrator and Cyanide Leaching, Proceedings of the 24th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey (IMCET), Eds: M.G. Kılıç, Ö. Önel, H. Başarır, M. Karadeniz, E.T. Bilgiç, April 14-17, Antalya, 1194-1198.

  36. Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., Ehsani, A.  2014. Recovery of metals from chloride leach solutions of waste of printed circuit boards by adsorption and precipitation, Proceedings of the XXVII. Int. Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC), Eds: J.Yianatos, A.Doll, C.Gomez, R.Kuyvenhoven, 20-24 Oct., Santiago, Chile, Chapter 18, 170-179.

  37. Yazıcı, E.Y., Baş, A.D., Deveci, H., 2014. Removal of iron as goethite from leach solutions of waste of printed circuit boards (WPCB), Proceedings of the XXVII. Int. Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC), Eds: J.Yianatos, A.Doll, C.Gomez, R.Kuyvenhoven, 20-24 Oct., Santiago, Chile, Chapter 18, 162-169.

  38. Celep, O., Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., Alp, İ., 2014. Evaluation of physical and chemical pre-treatment methods for a refractory silver ore, Proceedings of the XXVII. Int. Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC), Eds: J.Yianatos, A.Doll, C.Gomez, R.Kuyvenhoven, 20-24 Oct., Santiago, Chile, Chapter 19, 201-208.

  39. Celep, O., Deveci, H., Alp, İ., Yazıcı, E.Y., Dinç, D., Duran, C., 2014. Ammoniacal thiosulfate leaching of gold from a refractory ore using a full factorial design, Proceedings of the XXVII. Int. Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC), Eds: J.Yianatos, A.Doll, C.Gomez, R.Kuyvenhoven, 20-24 Oct., Santiago, Chile, Chapter 19, 12-20.

  40. Yazıcı, E.Y., Baş, A.D., Deveci, H., 2014. Jarosite Precipitation of Iron from Leach Solutions of Waste Printed Circuit Boards (WPCBs), Proceedings of the XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium And Exhibition (IMPS), 15-17 Oct., Kuşadası, Turkey, 483-488.

  41. Koç, E., Ahlatcı, F., Celep, O., Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2014. Interference of Metals with the Determination of Free Cyanide, Proceedings of the XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium And Exhibition (IMPS), 15-17 Oct., Kuşadası, Turkey, 1027-1033.

  42. Yazıcı, E.Y., Celep, O., Deveci, H., Altınkaya, P., 2014. Amenability of Antimonial and Arsenical Refractory Gold/Silver Ores to Thiourea Leaching, Proceedings of the XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium And Exhibition (IMPS), 15-17 Oct., Kuşadası, Turkey, 681-686.

  43. Yazıcı, E.Y., Ehsani, A.  Deveci, H., 2013. Metal İçeriği Yüksek Sülfat Çözeltilerinden Bakırın Çöktürülerek Kazanımı (Recovery of Copper from Metal-Rich Sulphate Solutions by Precipitation), Proceedings of the 23rd International Mining Congress & Exhibition of Turkey (IMCET 2013), Antalya-Kemer, 19-20 April, pp.861-869 (in Turkish).

  44. Baş, A.D., Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2012. Treatment of a Copper-Rich Gold Ore by Ammonia Assisted Cyanide Leaching, Proceedings of the XXVI. Int. Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC), 24-28 Sept., New Delhi, India, pp.356-365.

  45. Baş, A.D., Altinkaya, P., Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2012. Preg-robbing Potential of Sulphide-bearing Gold Ores, Proceedings of the XIII. International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS), 10-12 October, Bodrum, Turkey, pp. 613-618.

  46. Baş, A.D., Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2012. Bacteria-assisted Leaching of Waste Computer PCBs, Proceedings of the XIII. International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS), 10-12 October, Bodrum, Turkey, pp. 435-441.

  47. Baş, A.D., Kucuk, A., Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2012. Assesment of Ammonia/Ammonium Sulphate Leaching as a Pretreatment Process for Copper Bearing Gold Ores, Proceedings of the XIII. International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS), 10-12 October, Bodrum, Turkey, pp. 563-569.

  48. Ehsani, A., Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2012, The Influence of Impurity Ions on The Electrowinning of Copper from Waste PCBs Leaching Solutions, Proceedings of the XIII. International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS), 10-12 October, Bodrum, Turkey, pp. 443-449.

  49. Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2011. Geleceğin Madenleri: E-atıklar (Mines of Future: E-waste), In Demirel N., Erdem Ö. and Erkayaoğlu M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey (IMCET), May 11-13, Antalya, pp.441-448 (In Turkish).

  50. Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., Yazıcı, R., Greenway, R., Akcil, A. 2011. Recovery of Copper from Scrap TV Boards by Eddy Current Separation. Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing (EaMP), Part I, June 8-10, Ostrava, Czech Republic, pp.27-33.

  51. Bas, A.D, Özdemir, E., Yazıcı, E.Y., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2011. Ammoniacal thiosulphate leaching of a copper-rich gold ore, Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing (EaMP), Part I, June 8-10, Ostrava, Czech Republic, pp.83-89.

  52. Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., Alp, İ., Akçil, A., Yazıcı R. 2010. Characterisation of Computer Printed Circuit Boards for Hazardous Properties and Beneficiation Studies. Proceedings of the XXV. Int. Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC), 6-10 Sept., Brisbane, Australia, pp.4009-4015.

  53. Yazıcı, E. Y., Üçüncü, R., Deveci, H. 2010. Removal of Thiocyanate from Solutions by Precipitation. XXV. Int. Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC), 6-10 Sept., Brisbane, Australia, pp.4017-4023.

  54. Celep, O, Yazıcı, E.Y., Bölük, D., Deveci, H., Alp, İ., 2010. Evaluation of Preg-robbing Potential of Refractory Gold Ores, Proceedings of the XII. International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS), 6-8 October, Kapadokya, Turkey,673-679.

  55. Yazıcı, E.Y., Yazıcı, R., Deveci, H., Alp, İ., Greenway, R., 2010. Eddy Current Separation of Metals from E-wastes. Proceedings of the XII. International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS), 6-8 October, Kapadokya, Turkey, pp. 1207-1215.

  56. Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2010. Factors Affecting Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide. Proceedings of the XII. International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS), 6-8 October, Kapadokya, Turkey, pp. 609-616.

  57. Yazıcı, E.Y., Baş, A. D., Deveci, H., 2010. Extraction of Silver from Waste X-ray Film by Thiosulphate Leaching, Proceedings of the XII. International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS), 6-8 October, Kapadokya,  pp. 741-748.

  58. Deveci, H., Yazıcı, E.Y., Aydın, U., Yazıcı, R., Akcil, A. U., 2010. Extraction of Copper from Scrap TV Boards by Sulphuric Acid Leaching Under Oxidising Conditions. Going Green-CARE INNOVATION, 8-11 November, Vienna, Austria, paper no: 045.

  59. Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., Alp, İ., Yılmaz, T. 2008. Removal of Cyanide from Solutions by Air Oxidation and Adsorption. In Özbayoğlu G., Arol A.İ., Hoşten Ç. and Atalay Ü. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th. International Mineral Processing Symposium, Antalya (Belek), Turkey, pp.905-911.

  60. Deveci, H., Ball, T., Alp, İ., Uslu, T., Yazıcı, E.Y., 2006. A SEM Study on the Oxidation Patterns of Sphalerite, Pyrite and Galena During Chemical and Bacterial Leaching of a Sulphide Ore. In Önal G., Acarkan N., Çelik M.S., Arslan F., Ateşok G., Güney A., Sirkeci A.A., Yüce A.E., Perek K.T. (eds.), Proc. of the XXIII. Int. Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC) , Vol 2. 3-8 September, Istanbul, Turkey, pp 1494-1499.

  61. Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., Alp, İ., Uslu, T., Celep O., 2006. Factors Affecting Decomposition of Cyanide by Hydrogen Peroxide. In Önal G., Acarkan N., Çelik M.S., Arslan F., Ateşok G., Güney A., Sirkeci A.A., Yüce A.E., Perek K.T. (eds.), Proc. of The XXIII. Int. Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC), Vol 3. 3-8 September, Istanbul, Turkey, pp 2439-2444.

  62. Alp İ., Özdağ H., Deveci H., Yazıcı E.Y., 2004. Magnetic Separation Of Colemanite From Ore And Tailings Of Kestelek (Turkey) Plant. In International Conference of Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection (SGEM). 14-18 June, Bulgaria, pp.267-274.

  63. Alp İ., Celep O., Deveci H., Yazıcı E.Y., 2004. Processing of Gold from Mastra (Gümüşhane-Turkey) Ore by Knelson Gravity Concentrator. In International Conference of Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection (SGEM). 14-18 June, Bulgaria, pp259-266.

  64. Alp İ., Celep O., Deveci H., Vıcıl M., Yazıcı E.Y., 2004. Recovery of Gold From Mastra (Gümüşhane) Ore Using Centrifugal Gravity Concentrators. In Akar A., İpekoğlu Ü., Cöcen İ. and Polat M. (Eds.), Proc. of the Xth International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS), İzmir (Çeşme), 5-7 October, pp.27-33 (In Turkish).

  65. Deveci H., Alp İ., Yazıcı E.Y., 2004. Bench-Scale Bioleaching of a Complex Zinc Sulphide Ore in Stirred Tank Reactors. In Akar A., İpekoğlu Ü., Cöcen İ. and Polat M. (Eds.), Proc. of the Xth International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS), İzmir (Çeşme), 5-7 October, pp.523-529.

  66. Yazıcı, E.Y., Alp, İ., Kaygusuz, A., Kolaylı, H., Vıcıl, M., 2003. Piezoelectric Technology And Study of Evaluation of East Karadeniz Region Quartz Deposits. Industrial Minerals and Building Stones (IMBS), 15-18 September, İstanbul pp.775-781

  67. Alp, İ., Yılmaz, T., Yazıcı, E.Y. Celep, O., 2003. Determination of the Degree of Liberation and Optimum Grind Time of Kayabaşı- Trabzon (Turkey) Cu-Zn Massive Ore, 3rd International Conference Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection (SGEM), 9-13 June, Bulgaristan, Varna pp.39-44

  68. Deveci, H., Phillips C.V., 2010. Oxidation of Ferrous Iron by Mesophilic and Thermophilic Bacteria. In Gülsoy Ö.Y., Ergün L.Ş., Can N.M. and Çelik İ.B. (Eds.), XII. International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS), 6-8 October, Kapadokya, Turkey,, pp.635-643.

  69. Deveci, H., Akcil, A., Alp, I., 2003. Parameters for control and optimisation of bioleaching of sulphide minerals. In Kongoli F., Thomas B., Sawamiphakdi K. (eds.), Materials Science & Technology 2003 Symposium: Process Control and Optimization in Ferrous and Non Ferrous Industry, TMS, Warrendale, P.A., pp.77-90.

  70. Deveci, H., Alp, I., Uslu, T., 2003. Effect of Surface Area, Growth Media and Inert Solids on Bioleaching of Complex Zinc/Lead Sulphides. In Ozbayoglu G. (ed.), Proc. of the 18th Int. Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, IMCET 2003, 11-13 June, Antalya, Turkey, pp.415-423.

  71. Deveci, H., Jordan, M.A., Powell, N. 2003. Bioleaching of a Complex Sulphide Ore by Mesophilic and Extremely Thermophilic Bacteria: Statistical Analysis of Data Using Ergun's Test. In Ozbayoglu G. (ed.), Proc. of the 18th Int. Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, IMCET 2003, 11-13 June, Antalya, Turkey, pp.471-477.

  72. Deveci, H., 2002. Bioleaching of Complex Zinc/Lead Sulphides Using Mesophilic and Thermophilic Bacteria. IXth International Mineral Processing Symposium, 18-20 September, Cappadocia – Turkey.

  73. Deveci, H., Philips, C.V., 1999. Bacterial Leaching of Complex Zinc Sulphide Minerals. Mineral Processing Research Day: Forum, 9th of July. UMIST, Manchester, Uk.

: Karadeniz Technical University,Division of Mineral&Coal Processing, Dept. of Mining Eng., 61080 Trabzon, Turkey
: +90 462 377 3683/3681/4118