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  1. Erust, C., Akcil, A., Tuncuk, A., Deveci, H., Yazici, E.Y., 2021. A Multi-stage Process for Recovery of Neodymium (Nd) and Dysprosium (Dy) from Spent Hard Disc Drives (HDDs), Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 42(2),

  2. Yazici, E. Y., Yilmaz, E., Ahlatci, F., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2020. Recovery of Zinc from Cyanide Leach Solutions by Precipitation using Trimercapto-s-triazine (TMT), Hydrometallurgy, 191,

  3. Celep, O., Altinkaya, Yazici, E. Y., Deveci, H., 2019. Characterization of a refractory arsenical silver ore by mineral liberation analysis (MLA) and diagnostic leaching, Hydrometallurgy, 189

  4. Celep, O., Altinkaya, Yazici, E. Y., Deveci, H., 2018. Thiosulphate leaching of silver from an arsenical refractory ore, Minerals Engineering, 122, 285-295.

  5. Yazici, E. Y., Yilmaz, E., Ahlatci, F., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2017. Recovery of Silver from Cyanide Leach Solutions by Precipitation using Trimercapto-s-triazine (TMT), Hydrometallurgy, 174, 175-183.

  6. Ehsani, A., Yazici, E. Y., Deveci, H., 2016. Influence of polyoxometallates as additive on electro-winning of copper, Hydrometallurgy, 162, 79-85.

  7. Yazici, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2015. Cupric Chloride Leaching (HCl-CuCl2-NaCl) of Metals from Waste Printed Circuit Boards (WPCBs), Int. J. of Mineral Processing, 134, 10, 89-96.

  8. Okudan, M.D., Akcil, A., Tuncuk, A., Deveci, H., 2015. Effect of parameters on vanadium recovery from by-products of the Bayer process. Hydrometallurgy, 152, 76-83.

  9. Gladyshev, S.V., Akcil, A., Abdulvaliyev, R.A., Tastanov, E.A., Beisembekova, K.O., Temirova, S.S., Deveci, H., 2015. Recovery of vanadium and gallium from solid waste by-products of Bayer process. Minerals Engineering, 74, 97-98.

  10. Celep, O., Serbest, V., 2015. Characterization of an iron oxy/hydroxide (gossan type) bearing refractory gold and silver ore by diagnostic leaching, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 25(4), 1286-1297.

  11. Celep, O., Bas, A., Yazici, E.Y., Alp, İ., Deveci, H., 2015. Improvement of Silver Extraction by Ultra-fine Grinding prior to Cyanide Leaching of the Plant Tailings of a Refractory Silver Ore. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 36, 227-236.

  12. Bas, A.D., Koc, E., Yazici, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2015. Treatment of A Copper-Rich Gold Ore by Cyanide Leaching, Ammonia Pretreatment and Ammoniacal Cyanide Leaching, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 25, 2, 597-607.

  13. Okudan, M.D., Akcil, A., Tuncuk, A., Deveci, H., 2015. Asidik ve Bazik Ortamda Bayer Prosesi Yan Ürününden Galyum Kazanımı. Madencilik, 53(3-4), 3-12.

  14. Alp, İ., Celep, O., Paktunç, D., Thibault, Y., 2014. Influence of potassium hydroxide pretreatment on the extraction of gold and silver from a refractory ore, Hydrometallurgy 146 (2014) 64–71.

  15. Baş, A. D., Yazıcı, E.Y., Celep, O., 2014. Geçmişten Günümüze Hidrometalurji, Madencilik Türkiye,38, 74-80. (Translation of “Hydrometallurgy Over the Years” by Prof.Dr.F.Habashi)

  16.  Yazici, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2014. Ferric Sulphate Leaching of Metals from Waste Printed Circuit Boards, Int. J. of Mineral Processing, 133, 39-45.

  17. Bas, A.D., Deveci, H., Yazici, E.Y., 2014. Treatment of Manufacturing Scrap TV Boards by Nitric Acid Leaching, Separation and Purification Technology, 130, 151-159.

  18. Ceren, E., Şahin, M., Tuncuk, A., Akcil, A., Deveci, H., 2014. Kentsel Madencilikte Biyolojik Süreçler ile Atıklardan Metal Kazanımı, Recycling Industry, 78, 74-78.

  19. Ceren, E., Akcil, A., Gahan, C.S., Tuncuk, A., Deveci, H., 2013. Biohydrometallurgy of secondary metal resources: a potential alternative approach for metal recovery. J. Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 88, 2115-2132.

  20. Yazici, E. Y., Deveci, H., 2013. Extraction of Metals from Waste Printed Circuit Boards (WPCBs) in H2SO4-CuSO4-NaCl Solutions, Hydrometallurgy, 139, 30-38.

  21. Bas, A. D., Deveci, H., Yazici, E. Y., 2013. Bioleaching of Copper from Low Grade Scrap TV Circuit Boards Using Mesophilic Bacteria, Hydrometallurgy, 138, 65-70

  22. Baş, A. D., Yazıcı, E.Y., Celep, O., 2013. Altın Metalurjisinde Yeni Gelişmeler, Madencilik, 52(1), 3-17. (Translation of “Recent Advances in Gold Metallurgy” by Prof.Dr.F.Habashi)

  23. Celep, O., Yazici, E. Y., 2013. Ultra-fine Grinding of Silver Plant Tailings of a Refractory Ore Using a Vertical Stirred Media Mill, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 23, 3412-3420.

  24. Tuncuk, A., Stazi, V., Akcil, A., Yazici, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2012. Aqueous metal recovery techniques from e-scrap: Hydrometallurgy in recycling, Minerals Engineering, 25 (1), 28-37.

  25. Bas, A.D, Yazici, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2012. Precipitation of Silver from X-ray Film Processing Effluents by Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment, Hydrometallurgy, 121–124, 22–27

  26. Yazici, E.Y., Deveci, H., Yazici, R., 2011. Recovery of Silver from X-ray Film Processing Effluents using Trimercapto-s-triazine (TMT). Separation Science and Technology, 46(14), 2231-2238.

  27. Yazıcı, E.Y., Baş, A. D., Deveci, H., 2011. E-Madenler (E-Mines). Madencilik Türkiye, 19, 66-70.

  28. Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2011. E-Atıkların Çevresel Etkileri ve İkincil Kaynak Olarak Ekonomik Potansiyeli (Environmental Impacts and Economic Potential of E-Wastes as a Secondary Resource). Çevre Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi (ÇBT), 3 (3), 99-114.

  29. Celep, O., Alp İ., Deveci, H., 2011. Improved gold and silver extraction from a refractory antimony ore by pre-treatment with alkaline sulphide leach, Hydrometallurgy, 105, 3-4, 234–239.

  30. Celep, O., Aslan, N., Alp, İ., Taşdemir, G., 2011. Optimization of some parameters of stirred mill for ultra-fine grinding of refractory Au/Ag ores, Powder Technology, 208, 121-127.

  31. Celep, O., Alp, İ., Paktunç, D., Thibault, Y., 2011. Implementation of sodium hydroxide pretreatment for refractory antimonial gold and silver ores, Hydrometallurgy, 108,1-2, 109-114.

  32. Alp, İ., Celep, O., Deveci, H., 2010. Alkaline sulphide pretreatment of an antimonial refractory Au-Ag ore for improved cyanidation, JOM, 62,10, 48-52.

  33. Alp, I., Deveci, H., Süngün, Y.H., Yazici, E.Y., Savaş, M., Demirci, S., 2009. Leachable characteristics of arsenical borogypsum wastes and their potential use in cement production. Environmental Science and Technology, 43(18), 6939-6943.

  34. Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2009. E-atıklardan Metallerin Geri Kazanımı (Recovery of Metals from E-wastes). Madencilik, 48 (3), 3-18.

  35. Akçil, A., Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., 2009. E-Atıklar: Geleceğin Madenleri (E wastes: Mines of Future). Recycling Industry, 10, 66-75.

  36. Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., Akçil, A., 2009. Geridönüşümden Kazanmak: E-Atıklar (Recovery from Recycling: E-Wastes). Recycling Industry, 26.

  37. Akçıl, A., Tuncuk, A., Deveci, H., 2009. Borik Asit Üretiminde Amonyum Tuzları, İnorganik Ve Organik Asit Liç Sistemlerinin İncelenmesi. Madencilik, 48 (1), 3-16.

  38. Alp, I., Deveci, H., Yazıcı, E.Y., Türk, T. Süngün, H., 2009. Potential use of pyrite cinders as raw material in cement production: Results of industrial scale trial operations. Journal of Hazardous Materials 166(1), 144–149.

  39. Celep, O., Alp İ., Deveci H., Vıcıl M., 2009. Characterization of refractory behaviour of a complex gold/silver ore by diagnostic leaching, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 19, 707-713.

  40. Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., Alp, I., 2009. Treatment of cyanide effluents by oxidation and adsorption in batch and column studies. Journal of Hazardous Materials 166(2-3), 1362–1366.

  41. Alp, İ., Celep, O., Deveci, H., Vıcıl, M., 2008. Recovery of gold from a free-milling ore by centrifugal gravity separator, Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, Transaction B, Engineering, 32, B1, 67-71.

  42. Celep O., Alp İ., Deveci H., 2008. Application of diagnostic leaching technique for refractory gold ores, Dumlupınar Üniversity Journal, 16, 8190.

  43. Celep, O., Alp, İ., Deveci, H., Vıcıl, M., 2008. The effect of mineralogical structure on the cyanidation of gold ores, GEOSOUND, 52, 43-53.

  44. Akcil, A., Ciftci, H., Deveci, H., 2007. Role and contribution of pure and mixed cultures of mesophiles in bioleaching of a pyritic chalcopyrite concentrate. Minerals Engineering, 20, 310-318.

  45.  Yılmaz, T., Alp, İ., Deveci, H., Duran, C., Celep, O., 2007. Kayabaşı Masif Bakır Cevherinin Ferrik Sülfat Liçi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Yerbilimleri Dergisi, 20 (2), 63-69.

  46. Akçıl, A., Tuncuk, A., Deveci, H., 2007. Kuvarsın Saflaştırılmasında Kullanılan Kimyasal Yöntemlerin İncelenmesi. Madencilik, 46 (4), 3-10.

  47. Yazıcı, E.Y., Deveci, H., Alp, I., Uslu, T., 2007. Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide and Removal of Cyanide from Solutions Using Ultrasonic Waves. Desalination, 216(1-3), 209-221.

  48. Celep, O., Alp, İ., Deveci, H., Vıcıl, M., Yılmaz, T., 2006. Knelson Santrifüj Gravite Ayırıcısıyla Mastra (Gümüshane) Cevherinden Altın Kazanımı. İstanbul Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Yerbilimleri Dergisi, 19(2), 175-182.

  49. Deveci, H., Yazıcı, E.Y., Alp, İ., Uslu, T., 2006. Removal of Cyanide from Aqueous Solutions by Plain and Metal-impregnated Granular Activated Carbons. Int. J. of Mineral Processing, 79(3), 198-208.

  50. Deveci, H. Akçil, A., Alp, İ., 2004. Bioleaching of Complex Zinc Sulphides Using Mesophilic and Thermophilic Bacteria: Comparative Importance of pH and Iron. Hydrometallurgy, 73(3-4), 293-300.

  51. Deveci, H., 2004. Effect of Particle Size and Shape of Solids on the Viability of Acidophilic Bacteria During Mixing in Stirred Tank Reactors. Hydrometallurgy, 71(3-4), 385-396.

  52.  Deveci H. 2002. Effect of Solids on Viability of Acidophilic Bacteria. Minerals Engineering, 15, 1181-1189.

  53.  Deveci, H., 2002. Effect of Salinity on the Oxidative Activity of Acidophilic Bacteria During Bioleaching of a Complex Zn/Pb Sulphide Ore. European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, 2 (3), 141-150.

: Karadeniz Technical University,Division of Mineral&Coal Processing, Dept. of Mining Eng., 61080 Trabzon, Turkey
: +90 462 377 3683/3681/4118