On behalf of our Research Group, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oktay Celep delivered an oral presentation titled with "Effect of Ultra-Fine Grinding on Extraction of Gold and Silver from a Refractory Flotation Tailings by Cyanide Leaching" in IMCET 2019 organised at 16-19 April 2019.
Details of the paper:
Celep, O., Yazici, E.Y., Kuzu, M., Deveci, H., 2019. Effect of Ultra-Fine Grinding on Extraction of Gold and Silver from a Refractory Flotation Tailings by Cyanide Leaching, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey (IMCET), Eds: H. Benzer, N. Aydoğan, M. Karadeniz, O. Altun, H. Dündar, M. Gülsün Kılıç, E. Kundak, E. Yılmazkaya, P. Kertmez, April 16-19, Antalya, 826-833.
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