A workshop was organised in Boğaziçi University (BOUN) at 23-25 November 2017 as part of a Turkish-German bilateral INTENC project in which our research group has been also involved. The project was entitled with "Biotechnological Approach for Recovery of Rare Earth Elements and Precious Metals from E-Waste – (BIOREEs)".
Opening speech of the workshop was made by Prof. Dr. Ata Akcil, the project coordinator of the Turkish side (SDU-BOUN-KTU), Head of Department of Mining Eng. of Suleyman Demirel University (SDU) and Team Leader of Mineral-Metal Recovery and Recycling (MMRR) Research Group.
Prof. Dr. Hacı Deveci as Team Leader of Hydromet B&PM Research Group from KTU delivered a speech on "Physical, Separation and Hydrometallurgical & Biohydrometallurgical Treatment of E-waste". Assist. Prof. Dr. E. Yazıcı from KTU - member of Hydromet B&PM Research Group - made a presentation covering the research findings from the tests performed at KTU.
Project website: http://criticalrawmaterials.net/